Originally Posted by tedthorn

"I would prefer that people converse with their deity of choice in silence, and leave the rest of us alone."


Then the question begs, if you don't want to hear it, why do you debate with "them" about it? Seems to me, if you want your say in the matter, the other side gets their say too.

I've never been able to understand why the God haters (not saying you are one)don't simply chuckle and walk away at those "silly believers in superstition". Seems they always want to spew their own vitriolic "gospel" then demand that those "silly believers" shut up because, well, THEY are obnoxious or somehow infringing on some non-existent freedom FROM religion.

If one doesn't like the Message, he doesn't have to listen. And THAT is a God given right. You can just turn your back and walk away.

But every single person has to decide what to do with this Jesus.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.
