Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by efw
[quote=BOWSINGER][quote=The_Real_Hawkeye]Taking on the Jews? What do you mean? As a Christian I acknowledge that what goes by the name of Judaism today (more precisely Talmudic Judaism) is in grave error, and to the extent it was founded (after the time of Christ) for the purpose of denying the Messiahship of Christ...

When you lie and tell a Jew that Judaism was founded for the purpose of denying the Messiahship of Christ that is an personal insult.

I am tired of the Religious Bigotry that a few on here try to pass off as �debate.�

He differentiated between the Judaism of the OT (which, as I pointed out, can no longer exist because the reality it's types & shadows pointed toward has come in Christ, and because there is no temple) and post-Messiah "Talmudic Judaism" in the quote you cite.

If you're unfamiliar with the distinctions made within a debate you can ask for clarification rather than jumping to conclusions based upon your perceptions of a past comment.

Or do you dispute the truth of what I said above? You're free to do so and I won't call you names if you do. If you believe Scripture to be true you'll have a tough time making a case otherwise, but if you don't, again, I'll not call you names or say you're hateful of Christians or Christianity. Just that we'll have to agree to disagree.

Or you can cast personal aspirations upon the character and motives of the person you don't or won't try to understand, and therein practice the very thing you so self-righteously condemn.

Or the third option is your could just ignore the person.

I've noticed in many threads on this board that it is those who feign offense at some heinous generalization from people expressing opinions who take things to a personal level quickest, all the while lamenting how personal and hateful everybody else is.