I certainly see the appeal of a dog that is a lab in every other way- I don't begrudge the PL lab guys that- but Ranger1 is absolutely correct- even if he is only looking at half the coin. It would have been in the PL lab guys best interest to found there own registry years ago, and deny dual registered dogs eventually, and only allow entry by AKC registered labs after attaining a certain level of pointing lab title. they already have there own breed standard with there own hunt test. by excluding AKC dogs that haven't reached GMPR they keep there own gene pool tight as well.

finding a good yellow stud that isn't an EIC carrier, doesn't have any Lean Mac, and doesn't have any titled pointers in his pedigree isn't so easy anymore. Really want to get a litter off FC/AFC Fat city Pacer- even though he's black- or another one of Rebel With a Cause better sons.

Last edited by 175rltw; 02/10/14.