Sooooo, the flushing breeders aren't smart enough to keep the pointing dogs out of their breeding program?
Sounds like it to me.
If the flush is the supposedly the strongest trait, then why do pointing labs even exist? If a (theoretical) handful of pointing lab breeders seem to be mucking up the gene pool for flushing dog breeders, why doesn't it work in the opposite?
Because it's simply not true and just another one of your opinions that you've thrown out here because for some reason, you have an unnatural hard on for this breed. Weird really.
I'd be willing to BET (see, I can differentiate fact from opinion), that there are WAAAAY more AKC show labs bred than pointing labs in a given year.
THAT is where your breed will be ruined. That, and back yard breeders.

Originally Posted by ranger1
Pointing" labs are lines of dogs that have been bred to be weak flushers

This is BS and again...your OPINION, that you like to parade around as fact.
Do you even know what a point looks like? If your flushers are flushing weak, you need to do a better job of researching your breeding/litters.
Not blaming the drug dog industry, or the seeing eye dogs, or the therapy dogs, or the show ring,...or the pointing labs!
Why on earth would any flushing dog breeder use a lab out of pointing stock?