Originally Posted by Pahntr760
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by Pahntr760
I still don't understand why people constantly complain about the weight of a rifle and climbing hills. Go to the gym and you will likely cast off far more excessive weight than a pound or two used in the rifle's build. It is just plain silly.

You have just proven you are clueless about what is really involved in a tough hunt...

I suppose you've performed all of those tough hunts is amazing shape with no extra weight around the belly, right?

I see far too many folks with 40 extra lbs, easy, complaining about a pound on their rifle...laughing.

Originally Posted by Snyper
I bet he knows how to oil a trigger

I just flush my Walker's with lighter fluid and call it a season. Leaves a preservative behind that protects the metal. No oil in a trigger group...

Well, actually I have done a great many, and then some... but certainly shy of "all" of them. I have even posted photos of me on a mountain sheep hunting with a Rugger 77V, which I still have.

Backing out the other side of middle age I am no where near the animal I was four decades ago, but I am smart enough now to know how stupid it is carrying more rifle than needed, weight-wise.

And for starters, my brown bear rifle is no light-weight and I have used it for a lot more than just brown bears over the years. There are lots of rifles to fit lots of situations and ultra-lights need not be "do-alls". If mountains are not on the menu heavier rifles are no issue.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.