Blah, blah, blah. I'll keep sending it back to the top to showcase your violations of site rules, cowardly lies as well as, of course, calling Mr. Bin a pimp.

Safariman pointed out how foolish your course of action is and how it turns people off.

You don't care because you are OCD freaks who MUST control the site regardless of the damage you do.

Interesting that NONE of you can come up with a single documented case where I cheated anyone in a deal here or elsewhere but, as the Nazis said, a lie told often enough and loud enough will become accepted as truth by the masses to dumb to fact check it.

99.9999% of the men on this site occupy the right side of IQ as depicted on a normal distribution curve. You poor souls are all at the extreme left.

BTW still waiting for the errors I made on the 03A3 thread, or was that just another lie with no facts to support it ?

your best pal, Larry