
It'll come as a "surprise" only to you and those of your ilk,that weather simply happens,when one is trying to wear out the Outdoors. Fortunately for get to follow closely and read every word and gawk every splendid pixel,you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't. Hint. Laughing!

Rifles ONLY shoot loose,they do NOT shoot tight. Hint. Read that again. Now one more time. Best Google it,for good measure too. Laughing!

Now as to Precision,bore condition is what's paramount and I read somewhere that folks can actually tape their muzzles,to eschew damaging a land/groove,prevent bore obstruction and to keep some dampness from said nether region. Also read somewhere,that ACTUALLY shooting,might just dry 'em out and one can cypher POA/POI sanctity at the same time and extrapolate them findings in compare/contrast of numerous other platforms...because in the REAL World,not all wares is equal nor close. Hint. Read that again. Now one more time. Best Google it,for good measure too. Laughing!

For long shot strings,harmonious CBS sanctity and threadin' needles as per whim,there just "might" be a leetle sumptin' to Moly Smooches and "cleaning" with boolits. Read that again. Now one more time. Best Google it,for good measure too. Laughing!

Hell,knowing me...I mighta just swapped out some stalwart rings yesterday,to upgrade and hedge a bet aboard a coupla platforms. Hint.

Had been sufferin' 1913 TPS alloys on the Rock Sammy 1-8" 22-250,with a piece of fhuqking schit MK4 M3 3.5-10x Reupold. For a platform so Skookum(heavy filled A5,3-way butt,Badger M4 steel bottom,Timney,yada,yada...the usual),it's dismal erector travel really slams windows of opportunity closed,due literally to design. Could suffer that fate no more. Great time to nod your head,like you've a fhuqking clue. Laughing!

Soooooo,they got peeled and Aadland triple 1913 lugged alloys got bolted aboard instead,as an opening move. Google it.


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The machine work is superb,the bearing surface soothin' and their low mount height is always warm/fuzzy. I'm hating on all my Badger 1913 Standards already. Google it. Laughing!

With the ring upgrade,came a serious glass upgrade and aboard went a 10x Fixed Fhuqker MD. While I prefer the MQ's in everything,the Fixed Fhuqker MD crushes a Reupold MK4 M3 3.5-10x and the rifle literally came to life,given the huge erector travel increase and pinpoint tracking,zero retention and returns. Google it. Laughing!

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Beings I've a Retrostalgic whim every so often,I decided to yard the Fixed Fhuqker 10x MQ offa THE Ball Burper and sorta retire The Old Gal from said duty. It was rocking the new Burris XTR Signature 'Horn rings and tossing 40MOA in the equation via rings alone,never hurts production. Hint.

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Anywhoo...I mechanically centered the Mk4 M3 3.5-10x windage,accounted for concentricity ala 'Horn ring eccentric and snugged the bitch up. While XTR's won't mount as low as Badger Standards,Aadlands and the like(.825"-ish),or nearly as low as Warne Maxima's...the massaged HTG's sculpting upgrade,keeps all in synch. Google it. Laughing!

Now as a reward for helping all the Newbs,who've burped Ball through THE Ball Burper,I'll slate it to an express diet of Lapooey hulls,200's,and DBM fed Skinner Smooches,until I gotta toss another barrel upon it. Nod your head,like you have a fhuqking FIRST clue. Laughing!

The Old Gal coughed up 55MOA from a double hunnert zero.

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Though for some strange reason,only the 18" 'Bart 270 made the cut yesterday for Bearnanza and I couldn't see anything that'd dry better than 20.5",so let the works walk.

Weather blew the fhuqk up too! Laughing!

Rubbed the fhuqk out 20.5" "Cinammon" Bear,having just slipped out of a strip I actually cut. Ain't it fascinatin',how everything ties together?!?


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I already beat on the first creek on the menu this morning,so it's time to grab a bite,tie up more Riggin',make a thermos of coffee and go Chrome Dredgin' WFO. Hardly "fair",how that jaunt less than a mile from the house,trumps your best "efforts" of the year and it's just now 9:30AM. Laughing!

GOOD talk,as I always enjoy your inside look at Retardation and grant you the opportunity to flaunt your Imagination and it's Pretend.

Film at 11:00...mebbe cite you "don't care" and how you "could too". You poor poor(literally) STUPID Fhuqk.

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."