
Don't let the razzing getcha down,as even someone as fhuqking STUPID as you knows better,than to try and mount a schitty fhuqking scope on a schitty fhuqking rifle,all by yourself. What schitty mounts are you gonna have the Walmart Greeter install for you? Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart...you amazingly Clueless STUPID Fhuqk.

Only saw one new scope,go on one new rifle yesterday,as the weather was tough with a low ceiling. Now you can say that you've seen a 77/22 Hornet setback and punched "K" and crowned at 19"...wearin' an Illuminatti. R/P Virgins,'296,400's and 35'Max Smooches bein' a given. Hint.

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Don't rile her,or you may be forced to suffer Imaginary Pretend ignore.



I'd buy the video of you "showing" elkchunter how to install a scope. Hit me with an addy and I'll get a $20 USPS MO headed your way.




I getta kick outta you Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqks and your "hard charging" "Adventures". might you be able to remember the year in which you were in the REAL Outdsoors? I mean besides never? Congratulations?!?

Looking forward to your next Whine,some fresh Excuses and more pics.

Got sidetracked last night,loadin' a buncha ammo and am torn on the day's project. Cain't decide to nestle the Benchmark .243" 1-7.5" MTU 270 at 19.5" and wearin' a 2" shank,in the Blue By You or Green Machine. Thoughts? Feel free to use as Imagination and Pretend as requisite,to feign having seen either pattern in the flesh. I enjoy a good laugh,fueled by the efforts of someone who "knows" and "does" as "much" as you.


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Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."