So Stumpy... a technical question for ya...

When you aim at that dirt bank, you're saying its a thousand yards, but with your "Illuminati" Super Scope.... you hit that dirt hillside every time???

That is friggin Amazing!!!!!

No wonder we all consider you so Friggin AWESum!!!!!

as you myself...

yeah, I spent the afternoon on the couch, with my keyboard and spent most of my time doing "How many 'scripts didja swipe,plagiarize and make "your" own today"

actually it was a whole'd have loved them....

I'll email ya so new material, so that guys will quit complaining for a while you are posting the same old schitt and same old dead deer & bear pics...

Good luck on the Sunday Morning Hangover.... hopefully the wifey isn't going to drag you to church to save your soul.....again...