Originally Posted by antelope_sniper


The difference is I don't believe being gay is the equivalent of having a sunken chest wound and that I have a mandate from the creator of the universe to "fix them". Consequently I have a more measured view.

Mild prostate cancer can be very survivable for a long time. If an ancient belief system causes you to think everyone with prostate cancer is doomed to a eternity of fiery torture it might cause you to kill the patient with an overly aggressive regime of chemo, radiation, and surgery, when it could of been amply controlled with radioactive seeds.

This is one of the biggest problems with extreme religious views, it doesn't allow people to see nuance. Rob demonstrates this above where he goes out of his way to deny the biological influences on sexual preference because what his religion has proclaimed sin would then be the fault of his god, thus preventing a rational discussion of one of the significant variables in this equation.

Earlier you mentioned "helping" gay people. What's your proposed method of help? Praying away the gay? Forces conversion "therapy", life in solitary (because lots of butt sex occurs in prision) stoning to death?

How do you propose to "help" them?

"Measured"? "Nuance"?

Careful my friend. That is the vocabulary of bleeding heart liberals. wink