Originally Posted by Robert_White

The Vatican has been the scene of murder, rape, immorality, mass murder, intrigue, apostasy, and sodomy for over a thousand years.

And I would add to anyone who might be wading through all of this. The grace of Christ, His redeeming blood and the power of the Holy Spirit can not only forgive the deviant sodomite but transform and deliver and sanctify too. There is hope for the repentant deviant; real hope. Many many many have been totally delivered from the chains of sin and filled with grace. Changed, transformed, delivered.... saved.

Thats a pretty good system....deviant behavior is ultimately rewarded.

Pretty bad defense for your pedophiles, and no help for their victims.

WOW, just Wow...I need to be selling you people insurance, annuities,or bridges.

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe