For somebody who implies he thinks "well" you apparently don't think much: The opposite of "well thought out" is indeed some version of NOT thinking well.

You apparently also have reading comprehension problems. Here's my first post to you again: "First you strongly imply anybody who choose anything except a short action for a deer rifle is semi-stupid, then you claim they're the ones obsessed with action length." You still apparently are.

No, I wasn't offended because of thinking you'd insulted my choice in deer rifles. In fact, I've killed deer not only with rifles having short bolt actions (some of which were deliberately built on short bolt actions), but medium-length bolt actions, long bolt actions, lever actions, pump actions, semiautomatic actions and even single-shot actions. And the vast majority of the single-shot actions were even shorter than any centerfire short bolt action. Do I get some sort of gold star for using an even shorter action?

Instead, I was offended because, again (in case you missed it here) YOU brought up action length for a "well thought out" deer rifle, and then suggested other people were obsessed with action length because they didn't totally agree with you.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck