Originally Posted by MojoHand
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Lots of data beneath the headline. Example....

Despite their lack of connection to formal religious institutions, most unaffiliated Americans retain a belief in God or a higher power. A majority of unaffiliated Americans say God is either a person with whom people can have a relationship (22%) or an impersonal force (37%). Only one-third (33%) of religiously unaffiliated Americans say they do not believe in God. Strong majorities of Americans who belong to the major Christian religious traditions hold a personal conception of God. Compared to Christians, Americans who identify with a non-Christian tradition are significantly less likely to hold a personal conception of God (33%) and are more likely to say God is an impersonal force in the universe (49%


Not to mention the large numbers leaving the church. If they can't retain people who have been raised in the system, how do they expect to gain and keep new converts?

Are you trying to point out the difference between religion and God? For example, religion is a creation of man, not God. Therefore you can still believe in God, but not be religious.