Originally Posted by smokepole
A motorcycle behind a locked gate?

Those are the ones I don't even talk to. If I could have gotten my phone camera in action a couple years ago, I'd have been sending a video to the Game Warden.

In our group, I'm the youngest, so my hunt can be overcome by events beyond my planning. That's Ok, it's time with my Dad and family that is precious, more so than getting a perfect hunt in.

We've helped others we have come across, been offered help, and have just gotten out of the way of some. Each situation is different, each group of hunters are different, and the response given by us is matched to the input received. Going in, we are going to offer to help, it's just our nature.

We generally have pack horses with us, I agree with the comment above, EVERYONE is your friend when they see the horses coming, and they are at the end of the trail. Some offer a price, some just expect that you will carry them out - "just because".