Originally Posted by Ranger99
Originally Posted by okie john
Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
So what distinguishes a "serious" hunter, and what is the opposite - a frivolous hunter?

Serious hunters go hunting. They may not know much about guns and shooting, but they hunt every chance they get. They may not hunt out of state, or in other countries, but they hunt, and Opening Day is better than Christmas. I think of our own Allen Day as a classic example of a serious hunter. He was as deep in the weeds on shooting as any of us but it was all in service of actually going hunting.

Frivolous hunters go to the woods for other reasons: to drink, lounge around camp, listen to ball games on the radio, smoke cigars, etc. Some of them don't even leave camp. In fact, when I get stuck hunting with one of these folks, I prefer that they don't--they don't spook the game and there's less chance that I'll have to go rescue their dumb asses.

Okie John

^ ^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ RIGHT ^ ^ ^ ^ HERE ^ ^ ^ ^

i'll add that too many that i've seen this day and age
seem to think it's ok to drink and handle firearms.
myself, if i wanted to drink and smoke and listen to
music or watch television, i'd do it from the safety
and comfort of my house.

I started to post a similar post on the thread the OP refers to in his opening statement. I agree with these gentlemen. Last year, on THF, there was a guy who said that he could tell who the GOOD hunters were by looking at their stand, feeder, and firearm. It would have been funny if it hadn't stirred me up a little. It seems that many deem a "serious" hunter to be one who travels the world killing all kinds of game. When I was a child here in Louisiana, before hunting clubs and little posted land, there was an old gentleman who killed good bucks every year. He wore no camouflage, shot a single shot 12 gauge, and every year could tell you how many points his opening day buck would have before opening day. He is dead and gone, but he was a serious hunter in my book...as good as it gets.