For years, I was what I would call a serious hunter.. I hunted elk everyday until I filled or the season closed.. Mostly I filled. Antelope and deer same program, but they were easier to come by..
We used all the meat or gave some to folks who needed it or wanted it.. This went on for years until after i retired.. For about 5 or 6 years after retirement we hunted at least two other states for big game, and others for birds..

Gradually, I have lightened up on my big game hunting.. I only hunted Wy. this fall and AZ. a bit for birds.. I also don't hunt as hard as I used to.. If it happens fine, if not there is another day.. Had a couple elk tags that I didn't fill this year, but we have ample meat for the winter, so if I happens fine.. If not, next year.. I would say I enjoy hunting more now than ever.. It is relaxing, I go most days, and after big game and birds are over, I hunt coyotes several times a week..
But even those I do not get after with the need for success that I used to feel.. It is enjoyable getting out.. Hanging around the country, maybe shooting maybe not.. I love it..

I have a line on some elk that I will go check out maybe this evening.. If things are right, I would fill a tag, if not so be it.. It is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors.. I hope everyone gets as much pleasure from the outdoors as I do..

Molon Labe