"The slippery slope goes both ways. How much of your religious beliefs should you be allowed to force upon others?

Additionally, when you call for an end to individual families being allowed to make their own reproductive choices, you need to think through the consequences of such a policy."

Playing devil's advocate here for a minute:

Since the Muslims believe that female mutilation and marriage to 12 year old girls is okay, as is rape of non-Muslim women, should we not be able to force our religious-based moral laws on Muslim immigrants?

Regarding families being allowed to make their own reproductive choices by permitting killing of fetuses before birth, then why not give them, say, maybe a year after the birth to decide if they want to terminate the life of their child. By then they will have more information to base their decision on. Some marriages fail within the first year after a birth. Wouldn't life be so much simpler for all parties if that pesky little infant was no longer in the picture?

Slippery slopes can tilt in all directions.


"If you don't know where you're going, you may wind up somewhere else".
Yogi Berra