Originally Posted by high_country_
This is alway the topic that makes us, as conservatives, look like giant hypocrites. We want freedom for all and less government, but at the same time want to control everyone's sexual preference.

If we could just live our lives and let others live there's, it would be tough to beat.

I think that you, sir, do not understand the argument. It is precisely my desire to let others live their own lives that keeps me firmly in the prolife camp. Here's a hint: children in the womb are people too, not just an undifferentiated mass of cells.

Look, a fetus has human parents so it is human too, right? It is growing so it is alive, right? So it is a living human being with intrinsic value and it is worthy of protection just like me and you, right?

It really not that difficult.

and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)


Musings on TDS