Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by DakotaDeer
That "mass of undifferentiated cells" has the same exact genetic code that it has when it "differentiates."

Of course, you know full well that the mass of cells is not undifferentiated anyway. But your "argument" fails based on the ontology of the genetic code contained therein.

Abortion is the premeditated unjust act of killing a defenseless human. Start there, and argue for it.

Now we are into definitions.

What does it mean to be human, and who decides?

Is the Sin of Onan, since it contains your genetic code also the same as a 100 million acts of murder?

Being human is easy. DNA answers that question. When the DNA says "human", you have a human.


So, a batch of eggs are fertilized in a fertility clinic. Are they now a person? If every single one is not implanted and not brought to term, is that "murder"? How about discarding the unused ones?

And by your DNA standard, flogging the dolphin is not "murder".

Masturbation produces only 1/2 the genetic code necessary for life. That's a very poor argument on your part.

The reproductive lab is a better argument. However, it lacks implantation, which is the necessary step to create a human from a fertilized egg.

Sperm cells carry 23 chromosomes. In a human egg or sperm, there are 23 chromosomes, one of which is an X or Y. The number of chromosomes is reduced from 46 to 23 during the process of meiosis

So by your own admission, the measure is not the genetic code, and requires something more.

Last edited by antelope_sniper; 02/22/17.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell