Had indeed read O'Connor's stuff both in library books and waiting in the barber's shop--then a place where your mom dropped you off at the curb and might peek her head in to call you away from a magazine, but would not risk stepping inside the dirty clime. A bastion for males, hunting and fishing rags on a ratty looking table, and dusty long guns sitting in the corner.

But Finn Aagaard's string of cartridge articles in mid-80's (IIRC) in the American Rifleman nearly sent me to the homeless shelter. And, of course, Bob Hagel's stuff...:)

Aagaard did an article somewhere on the 7x57 referencing his father shooting out a 7x57 barrel on game in Africa, killing anything and everything--basically with the same bullet. It made me believe I needed a 7x57. He also mentioned how his dad would have been amused by the bullet specialization we do. Guilty. Around the same time, a friend killed a massive buck by our UP camp during a snowy season. It was only a 6 pointer, but it was wide, had long tines and so much mass that you could not get your hand to fold completely around the beams.

Karma, of course. Obviously it was the influence of the 7x57.

Defend the Constitution