Originally Posted by geedubya
Originally Posted by Seafire
Originally Posted by jorgeI
I have a lot of friends there, including the owner, Saeed. He knows where I stand. His a sshole buddy Walter is another story. He's the son of a former Nazi and hates the US, Fugg him. Lots of good folks over there, many with military (US) background. It is by far, the best place for African stuff and load data.

I had a lot of good friends over there also....

its Walter that I finally just said screw it with...

I got along real well with Don/DRG....I didn't let politics get in the way....

Walter always supported that a/hole SnottyQ as I called him, with the handle of DaMan, which we all called DuhMan..
an American hating Ahole from Colorado...

Walter would ban me, all the time for making fun of Duhman, with those Beavis and Butthead pic reposts,
Don would reinstate me within 24 hours....he use to send me PMs when he reinstated me, along with comments like "that was hilarious..... that was great, or spot on..." he hated Duhman with a passion like everyone else did.... even Saeed didn't like him, but they kept him around, because Saeed enjoyed all the bashing Duhman got from almost everyone else..

It was good times over there, but sadly it ran its course... and I found the Campfire, from someone I got to know here in the Rogue Valley.. and I've been here ever since...

if you were an American, it took no effort to get banned by Walter.. he was Saeed's court jester....and an idiot...
he was from Chile orginally.. and yeah, dad was an escaped Nazi.....I also think he was far from the brightest crayon in the box...

that is where I met Digital Dan and a couple of other guys that I now know on the campfire...


I posted there for 20 years and got put in time out or banned by Walter 5 times IIRC. Don't think I'll be going back. I do miss being able to view my legacy posts. I remember the first time Walter banned me was over a joke I told in the humor forum. Went something like this.....

Grandpa and Granddaughter had a great relationship. Her mom would bring her over on Saturday morning from time to time and Grandpa would take the little girl for a ride around town. Usually lasted an hour and a half. Gave Grandma and the little girls mom time to gossip.

One Saturday morning the mom and grand-daughter came over but Grandpa was not in evidence. The little girl asks, “where is Grandpa”. To which Grandma replies. I’m so sorry, but grandpa is sick in bed upstairs. So the little girl runs up the stairs to implore Grandpa to take her for a ride.

He tells her Granddaughter, I’m too sick. Have your grandma take you.

Well, Grandma does take her for a ride, that lasts only about 30 minutes before they return.

On coming back to the house, Granddaughter goes up stairs to tell Grandpa goodbye.

He asks, “how was your ride with grandma”

The little girl blurts out. It was boring, no fun at all.

Grandpa asks why.

Granddaughter exclaims, we rode around for 30 minutes and did not see one Azzhole, an SOB, nor one MOFO, not even a Muslim Goat Humper!

Almost brings a tear to your eye!




Certainly crying here. smile

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member