I've enjoyed the site for many years, though I don't go there as often now.
There are lots of decent, knowledgeable people on there as well as a significant share of vocal "experts" (in their own mind)who don't know their front from their back. It doesn't take long to figure out who is worth listening to, and who is full of it.
I find Saeed a decent fellow, I have no issues with him. A bit aside, I think he spent several years in the states (Texas I think) and was very good at trapshooting. I believe his brother was/is also big into trapshooting and had some noteable sucess quite recently. I don't have to agree with someone all the time to feel that way about him.
"Walter" is either a made up character or just a buffoon though.
Lots of good info there on african hunting and some really knowledgeable gunsmiths on there regularily as well.