Yo Steve,
If politicians don't go into politics to make money, 'splain to me how a couple of rubes from Arkansas with a combined income of maybe $150,000 became multimillionaires at the end of their 8 years in office, and brag about their newfound wealth at every opportunity. How do a large portion of Senators and Representatives go to DC with nothing but regular middle class salaries and end up being millionaires? The idea that politicians don't go into politics to make money is, shall we say, a little naive. Maybe some don't, but I would have to say after 35 years of observing the breed, most do.

Whether Ron Paul keeps his or not, I don't know; but judging from past actions, I'd bet not. If you wonder, why not write him an e-mail and ask. As to Romney, I don't trust people whose past actions and statements bely their current statements. The looks fair and feels foul thing, or all that glitters is not gold analogy. The point to all of this is that we have an opportunity to cast our votes for an individual who stands four square behind the Constitution, who is running in one of the two major parties, and I have yet to have anyone here tell me why he's not electable, except those that have a vested interest in keeping status quo ante, or believe that more socialism is needed to save the country.

If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks..., will deprive the People of all their Property,...Thomas Jefferson