If you were serious in a civil war, any weapon is an arm. If you didn't use such weapons to take out large enemy....(i.e. regular US) formations, your little revolution wouldn't last a week.

You're trying to define around an absurdity.....it ain't working.

Just the mental picture of it is almost too silly for words. I can see you and Bristoe, lounging around, leaning on your howitzers with big Ron Paul signs on them, playing with the rangefinders, cracking a couple of cold ones, bitching about the damn neo-cons.....don't let Bristoe near the artillery shells after he's had a few, though.

I see this is just an extension of the "why are you complaining about a guy just walking down the street with his AK?" discussion. Only now its "why are you concerned that the dude has a battery of 105s in his backyard?"

I really wish somebody would ask RP this one in a debate. Is there something lower than single digits? wink

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