Originally Posted by isaac
"hiding behind reasonableness" That's a new one!!

Hiding behind the word "reasonable". Or more accurately, the elitist definition of "reasonable"......

Originally Posted by isaac

Some of you guys are scary at times. Kinda makes me grateful for all those laws shutting done the so called "great unwashed masses"

Even I'm kinda' surprised at the number of RP bumperstickers I have seen in my travels through Colorado and northern New Mexico in September and October. Over on the northern Front Range, I just noticed a new RP sign along the highway. I'm not big on bumper stickers, but I may just have to get me a RP sticker--it outta be fun watching the neo-cons get all red-faced as they tool down the road..........

Honestly, I'm seeing more RP stickers and signs than I recall ever seeing Perot signs in this part of the Rockies.

Originally Posted by isaac

You and Bristoe knock yourselves out buying your "Yellow Trident Submarine"!! Let me know how it works out for you.

Oh, don't worry, if the neo-con establishment haven't already passed a law outlawing Yellow Submarines, or Trident Submarines, or any combination thereof, the liberal establishment will be sure to to do so.

Besides, it really doesn't matter if Hillary Guliani or Rudy Clinton are elected, the establishment will salute, and then go back to partisian politics as usual.



Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.