I frankly don't care what SCOTUS... or the courts... or the government sez, I can READ the words of our Constitution and those of the 2nd Amendment without having to have a lawyer to decode it for me.

As a former officer in the U.S. Army by an act of the U.S. Congress in 1958 when I took my oath, I promised to "protect the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC". (emphasis mine)

I never retracted that oath.

If the government, the President, the Congress or any other governmental agency IGNORES our 2nd Amendment and attempts to forcefully take my personal firearms from me, a 70+ year old Grandfather of 13 who has done it the "hard" way in life (kept it all legal and paid my taxes as expected... and was NEVER on the government dole in ANY form), let them bring a large quanity of BODY BAGS when they come to collect my guns... 'cause they are gonna need 'em!

When our Constitution is ignored by those who have sworn to PROTECT it, verse & phrase... then I guess it's time to see who has the courage to say it LOUD and CLEAR to the government, "No damned way!!!".

As I've always signed my posts (and MEANT it)... mad


Ron T.

It's smart to hang around old guys 'cause they know lotsa stuff...