I've seen just about anything kill deer but, how about an interesting side bar for your first article?
Texas bob cats are tougher than bears because you need something bigger than a 300 mag to kill em. I saw a large bob cat hit just behind the shoulder at about 15 yards with a 180gr from a 300 mag. He flipped three feet in the air, landed on his feet and ran off. No blood, hair or anything else could be found and cat never was found.
I know some will scoff and say it was a clean miss or that the bullet never expanded at that range/velocity, etc. etc. But local legend now "proves" that our bob cats can take more punishment than bears and you'd better have at least a 375H&H! grin

"An open message for all Democrats; "Look you are nothing and your work is worthless. Anyone who chooses you is detestable."
Isaiah 41:24 (HCSB)