Bullets are a lot like women. Some men like Blonde's some like redheads some like Brunette's. Some guys like 'em fat, some skinny, some just right. It all depends on what you are going to do with them. Just like deer hunting. Farm Fields, Woods, Mountains, Desert's. Day or night. Baiting or not. Driving, treestanding or groundblinding. So with all these variables why not pick a caliber and a bullet out of a hat, try it out and if you have confidence in it, you are home free. Good analogy? I shot a 10 Point monster buck with a crossbow last year at 15 yards. The arrow went right through in almost precicely the spot I aimed. he bolted and ran. I sat for 2 hrs, before I went after him in heavy cover. I followed the blood trail for 2 miles to a creek. It ended there and I never found him. Maybe that's why deer hunting is so interestiong that you can't wait to do it. i hung the arrow over my fireplace instead of the Antlers. Oh, well.

Better to be over the hill than under it.