Originally Posted by GPA

Deer reaction to any/all hunting implements is generally a product of hunters who frequent "Mahogany Ridge", where they swap lies cleverly disguised as the truth! The first beneficiary of such "truth-telling" is the purveyer of 'old Stump Blower" and similar serums...Next is the gun dealer, happy to oblige the need for more potent deer medicine. The deer? They just continue to duck and dodge whatever is thrown at them. Not surprisingly, the deer have become expert at hiding injuries suffered from hunting guns. Such encourages the mighty hunter to upgrade his equipment, ala "More Power!" In so doing, he subjects himself to greater and greater recoil...begins to flinch at every shot...and consequently misses a lot. Next time you are in the woods and hear a shot, particularly a loud, booming shot, listen carefully: Most surely you will hear one or more deer exclaim, "Got another one!"

Do you think that might have something to do with it? How ingenious can these deer really be? The next thing some one will be telling me is that bucks use their antlers to push the does out in front to take a bullet for them. . . uh. . . never mind. somebody's already told me that.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm thinking now of wearing aluminum foil under my orange hat. These deer are so smart, they may be able to read our thoughts. . . uh, . . . never mind. I've heard that one too.

Jeezle Petes! Bullet-proof, mind-reading, devil deer. Which counties did you say they were in now?

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer