Anyone see that Claritin commercial with that little dog, Baxter, on it? That's a symptom of the problem right there.

See how the little SOB pulls at the leash and the owner just puts up with it? Some people even get those leashes like a 50 foot tape measure so the dog can pull and tug at them from a longer distance. They don't want to be "mean" and just teach the dog to walk on a leash in a mannerly way.

People like that are parents too. They have the kids but don't define any clear boundaries, don't teach them to respect boundaries, and when the kids exceed the filmy boundaries they do put up they just get one of those 50 foot leashes to make the problem occur farther away.

We're now suffering the effects of the second generation of "Baxters". I really want to punt that dog when I see that commercial.

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