Our Society is becoming sooooo soft,that most have lost touch with reality.

One cain't put a Bandaid on everything and poopoo his way through life. My goal is to prepare my children for the worst,as everything shy of that will be a breeze. Meaning,I aim for them to squarely pull their own weight in this Life and do for themselves. Sadly,that is a somewhat novel approach in today's World,as per my observations.

The World is an unkind place,but too many have become accustomed to being coddled and want handouts provided by the minority who foot the bill(do the work). When you have more shirkers,than providers,things come unhinged quickly.

It seems all want a free lunch and to reside in a World that simply doesn't(can't) exist.

Some need a good shot betwixt the blinkers,to "see the light" and it's a shame that more aren't accomodated.............

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."