There's so many things that need changed, there's no way that a guy can point to just one thing and say "Here's where we screwed up".

Lee has a good point. The ACW left us with a federal goverment that could and would run ruffshod over the rights of states and localities to govern themselves.

Several others have pointed out other places that we did what seemed like a good idea at the time, but no-one bothered to think through the consequences.

FDR's socialist programs spring to mind as another.

I can't say exactly when liberal ideas became so powerful as to control the people's thinking. I doubt anyone else could either. But IMHO that is the ultimate root of the problems we face as a nation.

"Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is." � Wesley Pruden