All well and good Sir, if you can read and comprehend beyond a fourth grade level. That however is becoming the exception rather than the rule in todays society. We as a society have been "dumbed down" by the growing big brother "nanny state" form of government for so long that I doubt more tha 20% of Americans would be able to cope alone or in family units if the electricity went off for more than two or three days!

So used to the centralized government alluded to by brothr teal meeting 90% of their real or imagined needs they are helpless on their own. Not all, there is a core of folks like us that still can and will do for themselves, but we are becoming the anomaly.

George Orwell was a Prophet, not a novelist. Read 1984 and then look around you!

Old cat turd!

"Some men just need killing." ~ Clay Allison.

I am too old to fight but I can still pull a trigger. ~ Me