
While I do not disagree that religion has been used as an excuse for much violence, it pales when compared to the atrocities committed for secular causes.

During WWII, Hitler killed 13 million Germans because they were not the correct race. Yes, he may have loosely alluded to some Bible passages, but these were an afterthought. His well understood motivation desire was to create a master race.

Russia lost what, 20 million fighting WW II, which was clearly a war for gaining territory and resources.

Stalin killed millions for a most decidedly anti-religious reason.

Pol Pot killed 3.3 million Cambodians in his efforts to return to an agrarian society.

Then again, the extremist muslims are forcing their own genocide, and it is very early in the 21st century. While they are fighting with religion as an excuse, we are fighting to preserve civilization. I don't know how to categorize this war..............