lets see....my name is Sheridan Shumway....my wife is Darla Shumway....the two newspapers i own are in my sig(you will see three papers but we partnered with a buddy who has a paper to the north of us) and if yah look at the Montana Newspaper Assosiation site you will find that my wife is a board member there:


a couple members here know me personally and one is even very good friends with one of my uncles and a cousin of mine...one member here has stopped into the office to see me aswell unannounced....ive never tried to hide who in the hell i am and have had an open invention to any and all here who happen to be in my neck of the woods to stop in and see me, no notice required.....

just who in the [bleep] are you and whats your name?

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books