I have to apoligise to all of you.

This guy Lee 24 is obviously a nut case, he just doesn't know when to shut up and is an obvious troll..I don't know if he is what he says or not and I don't really care, but I know he is lacking in persona and edicate and is a braggard and certainly sold on himself..

I wish to remove my last post, at least the part wherein I did s stand up for him..apparantly some of you knew him better than I..

I also hate to see this kind of stuff on this forum. It is a place for polite discussion and has been that for the most part and I for one would prefer to ignore his antics even if all his remarkable claims are true, I can't stand anyone that is that much into themselves. I would think a man as intelligent as he claims to be would not bother with such poo unintelectuals as we'uns smile smile yet he continues to do so, very suspecious! smile smile Maybe I oughta check my spelling in case he reads this.:)

Last edited by atkinson; 10/07/09.