Originally Posted by tangozulu
So lets say we poison all the grizzlies in Alaska? Would it not be a bit diminshed? A little less wonderfull.........
So why is Montana and Idaho better without wolves and a safe place for cows and sheep?
Now that you are finally able to hunt these wolves I hope there is more tollerance for a fantatic animal.
Tangozulu in BC we can hunt wolves whenever we want,no tags and in some areas NBL.It's a different situation south of the line,with the Feds telling the states what they can and can't do,and the bunny f**kers filing lawsuits left,right and centre.There basically is no management,and the wolves are multiplying fast.Poison isn't an alternative but control by culling and hunting is going to be neccesary if any of the game herds are to survive.Eventually the wolves will balance out,but by that time there will be nothing left for them to eat. Monashee

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