For a second there I thought a few of us were actually going to have a civilized conversation for once.

Buzz, being halfway polite this time jumped to conclusions again.

The Sand County Almanac seems to be the bible for so many pro wolfers. I fail to understand why. I read that thing a few times in college. I never did agree with much of anything he had to say. People act like that book is the final word in game managment. This in not directed towards you exbiologist. I was in a conversation with my yuppie (but absolutely great) Ecology TA about a year ago and he kept referencing this book. I showed him pictures of my riding horse's scars (I am sure you can guess what from) and he finally admitted he sees light at both ends of this controversy.

By the way, I had little sucess on my traps this morning. I mainly have coon sets out, but only snared a single non target fox. This is a pretty poor year all around. Oh well, it is still fun.