Infiltrated? It seems the "Movement" has a pretty wide variety of people involved. It really is a great opportunity for a lot of people to get involved. The beauty of the Tea Party folks is that it is not even a "Party". It seems to be a lot of previously uninvolved people becoming involved & they are not locked into a certain segment of one party.

If the GOP cleans up it's act they will attract a good percentage of these folks. If not, they won't & a lot of wasted votes will be blamed on everyone except those responsible. The libs will rejoice, as RINO season will have been cancelled due to lack of participation.

One to watch is JD Hayworth vs John McCain in AZ. Some here have said he's (JD) damaged, but isn't McCain damaged, as well and a proven RINO?

"The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen" - Dennis Prager LINK