Originally Posted by RickyD

One thing would be term limits on legislators. Also end their country club bene's. The criminals will not do it on their own. Another would be strengthening states rights and limiting the federal bureaucracy. A balanced budget amendment could help out about now. Campaign reform so we don't have millionairs and billionaires buying seats. Limiting presidential power. We don't need anymore kings. All in all nothing more than dotting some i's and crossing some t's to shape it up like the founders had in mind. It's nearly perfect already, but keeps getting trampled by those sworn to obey and defend it, and I'm not talking about our military.

And what punishments would you want for when those dotted i's & crossed t's are ignored? The absence of sanctions for violations (and looking at the founders with a little more scrutiny) has me thinking more and more things are exactly as the founders had in mind.

The hostilities of the 1860's, the round up & detention of American citizens in the 1940's, & the firearms confiscations during Katrina should get you to talking about the group mentioned in your last sentence as well.