Originally Posted by ColeYounger
My thought is that it's not so much a neocon, RINO, or whatever other label thing as it is a simple power trip. Those who are career politicians like their status and won't give it up easily. They are the type of leaders that run to the front of a group they see forming in order to by definition, lead it. If any of them see the Tea Party as the next big thing, they will be all out in front of it, just to feather their own nests. I see the same thing around here locally. Some nobodies have a good idea and work their asses off to implement it. Just about the time they get it pushed through, some Head Dickweasel runs to the front of their line and makes the last little push then takes complete credit for all of it. Most politicians aren't just career politicians, it's in their blood. It's how they were raised. Sometimes, it's generational. Lots of these [bleep] are worthless.