Originally Posted by Steve_NO
you have to have one of their RP glossaries, Jorge:

empire = all foreign allies

unconstitional = any policy they disagree with

Neo-con = anyone who subscribes to the defense policies that won the cold war and doesn't favor isolationism

criminal suspect = captured al Quida combatants

torture = fratboy hazing of one of the above


Good one. Now let's try a Neocon version.

Lady's guild = anyone with a brain

Bush = conservative

Constitution = anything bendable or that can be ignored

Threat = anyone who doesn't live below the Mason Dixon line

Evening news = Rush, Hannity or O'reilly

Foreign nationals = terrorists

Conservative = Evangelical

Trade agreements = sign with any 3rd world country that won't be able to buy our products in return

Budgets = smudgets. If Dems don't need to worry about them, neither do we


Should start a whole Neocon to English translation thread