Yes Yogi bear. 1 square inch is the size of the hole in between the shoulder bones looking from the front.(Anatomically speaking) Thats about what you have to get through to the vitals without touching anything on the way through. But you being the MR Know-it-all should know that. I'm done arguing with you and kindly ask all these dear forum users to send all their questions relating to Africa, and heck anything they want to know to you. Since you know it all. I have taken, guided and shot more african animals than that you have ever seen pictures of in books. I'm done with your BS. Heck, what do I know about Africa, I just live here...

Marius Goosen
KMG Hunting Safaris
Professional Hunter and Outfitter
South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia
[email protected]