I will post them. Im winding down my "days off" and leave for Gulf of Mexico tomorrow evening. This thread will probably go for a while due to my work schedule with my "regular" job. But Ill include plenty pics along the way. Some pics which are for reference only will come from my wifes bow or other bows that are in the shop. Ill also include how to for tieing in d loop, peep sight, and tie in nocking points. Great to learn to do your own work, but also gives those that are curious about what they get when they send a bow off to be tuned, the skinny on what they are paying for. Its not black magic, or secret information. Anyone can do this stuff. Just takes time and the right equipment.

Crossed Arrows Archery LLC
Authorized Obsession Bows Dealer
Custom Strings/Tuning
Black Eagle Arrows Pro Staff, Montana Black Gold Shooting Staff, Dead Center Archery Products Shooting Staff