When I set up to check "prelean" (the amount of cam lean present when bow is at rest) ill measure down 6"(what has proved to be good reference point on MY bow) from where string tracks into the cam and make a mark. Then laying an arrow shaft against the left side of the cam, Ill see if shaft intersects that mark. Then I will check cam lean at full draw with the bow on the draw board. At full draw I should be able to lay the arrow shaft against left side of cam and it remain same distance off the string all the way to the d loop. Again, these are preliminary settings that will be fine tuned according to what arrow flight tells me. Results based tuning.
The draw board is nothing more than a device used to hold the bow while a mechanical device such as a boat winch is used to bring the bow to full draw. Keeps your hands free to take measurements etc. ill put the bow on my tuning fixture/bow vise to do the prelean check. And I will include pics.

Crossed Arrows Archery LLC
Authorized Obsession Bows Dealer
Custom Strings/Tuning
Black Eagle Arrows Pro Staff, Montana Black Gold Shooting Staff, Dead Center Archery Products Shooting Staff