I havent covered any adjustments yet that arrow flight tells us we need to make. Once we have nock height set, rest height set, center shot set, I prefer to leave those alone. The only time I adjust center shot after that, is if I have a bow that does not have a tuneable static yoke such as the bows with 2 track binary cam system. If arrow tears left or right(tail left or right with bare shaft), the only way to tune that out is with slight center shot adjustment. High or low tear(provided rest and nock height are set properly), are tuned out with cam timing adjustments. Something else I run across quite a bit are arrow spine issues. Let me offer this...arrow weight in grains per inch has absolutely NOTHING to do with arrow spine. If a .350 spine arrow that weighs 8.2 grains per inch is underspined for your bow, stepping up to a .350 spined arrow that weighs 9.4 gpi is stil underspined. Sounds silly, but I get that quite a bit. Also, varying insert weight, point weight, arrow wraps, lighted nocks, fletching size and type ALL affect arrow spine. Adding weight to the front of an arrow "weakens" spine. Adding weight to the rear of the arrow "stiffens" spine.

Crossed Arrows Archery LLC
Authorized Obsession Bows Dealer
Custom Strings/Tuning
Black Eagle Arrows Pro Staff, Montana Black Gold Shooting Staff, Dead Center Archery Products Shooting Staff