Rest height is set and left alone. Certain cam systems tune best with certain nock height settings. True dual cams tune best with nock dead level. Hybrid cam systems with nock about 1/16" high. Solo cam bows from dead level to about 1/16" high. What you are doing when you adjust timing to tune out a high/low tear is adjusting lateral nock travel. That means making nock travel straight. Soley using a rest height adjustment to attempt to tune out a high/low tear isnt solving the problem. Its merely covering it up. Once rest height is set, leave it. Adjust cam timing to get true arrow flight. If adjusting cam timing wont tune out the high/low tear, you have form/grip issues that need to be addressed

Crossed Arrows Archery LLC
Authorized Obsession Bows Dealer
Custom Strings/Tuning
Black Eagle Arrows Pro Staff, Montana Black Gold Shooting Staff, Dead Center Archery Products Shooting Staff