Back to the original topic, if we can take a break from the cackling...

Me daughter shot an elk with that load last year. She loves the rifle and kills stuff dead. The first shot was 100 and the second shot at 150-200yds. We didn't find either bullet. It was really tough meat, too... I got a cow tag this year.

Admittedly I am a throwback compared to my hunting pard, so just speaking as to personal preferences here. I like more destruction in critter than we saw, but the elk was indeed very dead. Just saying that for all you "very dead" guys. And though am not a scientist, I wager velocity and weight in applicable bullet has something to do with tissue destruction. I don't care if critter dies any faster--just want to see an impact or happily gawk at a big wound channel. Would also posit at more extended ranges my destruction desires would not be abated. Further, it seems to me that at 800 yards an elk could take a dump, sniff it and walk off by the time the bullet arrived....but am biased, as do prefer to get much closer, just to say I did.

Back to cackling...after some trials and having read about it from some now dead gunwriters back in the last century, added a pound or two of weight to the mags on hand. It appears to be a reasonable solution to reducing recoil. In the hills, you get the abuse dosage either way...:)

And imho, Dink is just as right as he is wrong...some guys can't shoot very well period, particularly under pressure and time constraints...

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