Originally Posted by Rancho_Loco
I was kinda shocked to hear someone say that a $1400 firearm was getting dropped at a doorstep by UPS without needing a sig..
The "signature required" item is a separate service that has to be purchased and coded into the tracking number. The driver scans the bar code and follows its instructions. Senders sometimes try and "shortcut" the process by attaching "adult signature required" stickers, but UPS drivers mostly couldn't care less what's on the box versus what their scanner tells them from the bar code.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Originally Posted by safariman
I do tend to fit in well wherever I go in person.

Originally Posted by Fireball2
The campfire is the most outside exposure I get. No TV, no newspaper.