Originally Posted by Raeford
I'm a fairly big guy and wear carpenter style jeans 95+% of the time. These jeans have decent sized front pockets. I know that there isn't much out there beyond the LCP's and like styled pistols that will hardly print at all but I want something different as I just don't like the feel of these when shooting them.
I appreciate all of the suggestions and will be looking at everything mentioned so far.

Have you tried the S&W Bodyguard .380?
Mine is way more accurate than it should be, and feels better in my hand than the LCP.

Fits in a blackhawk pocket holster and disappears even in the pocket of gym shorts...

I see guys dissing the .380, and i can see their point, but this thing really shoots well, and I have no qualms in carrying it anywhere and everywhere.

with either sights or lazer I can put multiple hits on target, and very quickly...

The LCP is justifiably popular, but most who own one claim that it's not a fun pistol to shoot. IMO, the wider butt and slightly greater size and weight of the BG .380 DO make it fun to shoot. Particularly so because it is so easy to hit with and yet still compact enough to disappear so easily...

"Chances Will Be Taken"